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Friday, June 24, 2005

Online Market Strategy

Polka dots, posies, and Paris(Hilton that is) are the most interesting fads for this summer. But that trends are meaningless to me, if you got same as me, let's talk about something else:

Blog Monetizing:
Blog is too hot to all around the world. Even the richest the guy(Bill of course) rearlize this is the big changgle for microsoft. I start play it since this year by accedent.

According to a report entitled "State of Blogging" published by Pew Internet & America Life Project(january, 2005):

One quarter of all Internet users read blogs- roughly 32 million American adults.
9% of all Interent users say they've created blog.
ages from 18 to 29 are most actively involved
18% of internet users over 50years old

So, the market is there. But how to dig the gold? let's think about it.



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